Sunday, September 10, 2006

Angled (12"x14")


ming said...

a self portrait?

gautam rao said...

yeah.. that's me!

Anonymous said...

Gautum--In this portrait, I see your form but can't quite discern your spirit here. I keep wondering if I am seeing your father here. I can't pin point why I think that, though--something about the gaze and the tightness of the mouth.

Both self-portraits are really lovely--the first invokes Lucien FReud for me and the second, I am not quite sure but something or someone familiar.


Shanti Marie said...

I was going to ask if this is a self-potrait? I see by the other comments, it is.

You did well, these can be very hard to do.

Anonymous said...

Hi Gautam Rao,

Hope to see some new paintings here soon! I'm tied up at the moment (things like the Bartman student link list and moving Art & Perception) but I will be back later to add my 2 cents to the critique.